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David will be joining us at the Octagon Theatre, on Friday 25th October, 7pm for An Illustrated Talk. For more information click here


Digging with hope but dread of failure was ever present at Grassington’s once great centre of lead mining. Digging on windswept moors to discover the richest veins of lead lasted for almost 300 years.


Miners ventured deep underground by candlelight to wield pickaxes and shovels and survive the explosive uncertainties of gunpowder. Doom was a fear that if anything strange happened down the mine, it was a portent of death and disaster that stopped all work. Hope was so often high and then lost. Miners had unswerving convictions that times would get better, as did owners of the mineral rights. Earls, heiresses and dukes depended on mining wealth to meet gambling debts on an unimaginable scale. This book portrays these three elements of the Grassington mining saga in a readable style. Special emphasis is given to the period when they combined to produce the ‘Duke’s Folly’.


Men dug for over 20years through solid rock to revive the ailing mines by means of a mile-long tunnel built to the wrong size and in the wrong place. The quest for lead ended with all hope lost but Grassington survived to become a major tourist centre. The final pages of this book cover a waymarked trail round surviving landmarks from the great age of mining. Specially taken photographs capture monuments to past endeavour both on the Moor and underground.



Digging To Doom by David Joy

SKU: 9780993492365
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